Psychology Summaries.

All the most important psychology research and theories - simplified.

Polish teacher leads the first session with a psychologist in Polish


Starting your first meeting with a psychologist might be frightening, but it is an essential step towards better understanding yourself and conquering any problems you may face.

Basic vocabulary for a psychotherapy session in Polish

  1. Psychologist / Psycholog
  2. Therapy / Terapia
  3. Session / Sesja
  4. Behaviour / zachowanie
  5. Anxiety / Lęk.
  6. Depression / Depresja.
  7. Stress / Stres
  8. Trauma / Trauma
  9. Self-esteem / Samoocena
  10. Support / Wsparcie
  11. Progress / Post 
  12. Goals / Cele

Individuals may seek guidance from an online Polish teacher before their first psychological session to assist them in navigating the challenges of addressing intimate and emotional topics in a foreign language. An online Polish teacher can help students grasp psychology-related terminology, express their concerns and expectations for the session, and practise practical communication skills. Individuals who recommend an online Polish teacher on can receive tailored assistance and tutoring based on their specific needs and learning objectives. Individuals who work with an experienced online Polish instructor will feel more confident and prepared to engage in meaningful discourse during their first psychological session, leading to a pleasant and satisfying experience.

Useful Polish phrases for psychology session

  1. I'd want to chat about... - Chciałbym porozmawiać o...
  2. I feel... – Czuję się...
  3. I feel... - Doświadczam.
  4. What do you think about...? - Co sądzisz o...?
  5. I need guidance on... - Potrzebuję porad.
  6. Thank you for listening. - Dziękuję za wysłuchanie
  7. I'm appreciative for your assistance. - Doceniam twoją pomoc

First conversation with a psychologist in Polish

  • Patient: Dzień dobry, mam na imię Paweł. Bardzo się cieszę, że mogę tu być dzisiaj. - Hi! My name is Paweł. I'm very glad I can be here today.
  • Psychologist: Thanks, Paweł. It was a pleasure to meet you. How may I assist you today? - Witaj Paweł, miło mi cię poznać. Jak mogę ci dzisiaj pomóc?
  • Patient: I'd want to talk about my sentiments and issues dealing with stress. - Chciałbym porozmawiać o moim lęku i trudnościach w radzeniu sobie z stresem.
  • Psychologist: Of course, for pleasure. Let's start by recognizing the situations that are causing you distress. - Oczywiście, z przyjemnością ci pomogę. Możemy zacząć od tego, jakie sytuacje wywołują u ciebie lęk.
  • Patient: Experiences tremendous anxiety when obliged to speak publicly or meet new people. - Czuję się przeważnie bardzo niespokojny, gdy muszę mówić publicznie lub spotkać się z nowymi ludźmi.
  • Psychologist: Thank you for mentioning this. This is a positive start towards better understanding your feelings and experiences. - Dziękuję, że się tym podzieliłeś. To już dobry krok w kierunku zrozumienia twoich uczuć i doświadczeń.